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updated 2023-05-09
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HOME > 2014 exhibition > 120th.山本麻衣子 Yamamoto Maiko

山本麻衣子展 Yamamoto Maiko Exhibition 9.23(火)〜28(日)




When I was a child I lived in a house that was surrounded by nature. It had a grove, a river and bamboo fields.
I was able to see many beautiful flowers and various forms of nature go through their transformations.
Such as tadpoles changing into frogs and the left over cocoons of caterpillar after their transformation into butterflies.
I was really looking forward going back and revisiting these sights I had experienced when I was a child.
But now that area that I once knew which was full of nature’s beauty has changed.
It is now filled rows of many houses and busy streets.
Although my life is busy these days I don’t want to forget those memories I had as a child.
The sights and sounds left an everlasting impression on my heart.
Painting is a way for me to document these memories that are precious to me. The canvas is my diary.
My adventure that began when I was a child exploring nature now continues.
Please join me as I share these precious stories and experiences with you though my paintings.
I hope you enjoy them and are touched by them. Thank you.

oil, pastel on canvas SM

oil, pastel, pencil on canvas F4

room 1

room 2



1984 滋賀県草津市生まれ
2008 京都造形芸術大学芸術学部美術工芸学科洋画コース卒業
2010 京都造形芸術大学大学院芸術研究科芸術表現専攻修了

2008 Maiko Yamamoto exhibition (高宮駅・滋賀)
2011 新人選抜展 LESPOIR’ 2011 山本麻衣子展(銀座スルガ台画郎・東京)
    山本麻衣子展「小さな光を辿って」 (ギャラリーモーニング・京都)
2012 山本麻衣子展「ひとつの物語」 (ギャラリーモーニング・京都)
2013 山本麻衣子展「優しい森のうた」 (ギャラリーモーニング・京都)

2007 滋賀県美術展覧会 時事通信社賞受賞 (滋賀県立近代美術館・滋賀)
2008 滋賀県美術展覧会 美術協会賞受賞 (滋賀県立近代美術館・滋賀)
2010 グループ展「ミチミチル-3つの視点と100の感性」 (galleryRAKU・京都)
    グループ展「ミチミチル-小さな絵画のリズム」 (gallery16・京都)
2011 滋賀県美術展覧会 滋賀県教育委員会教育長賞受賞
    ORA vol.3-いま、描く 京都造形芸術大学卒業生展
                       (court gallery国立・東京)
2012 二人展「佐薙真由×山本麻衣子」 (gallery16・京都)
2013 企画展「萌の会」 (銀座スルガ台画郎・東京)
    第59回滋賀県美術協会展-滋賀の美・その粋- (大津市歴史博物館・滋賀)
    二人展 「中山悠平×山本麻衣子」 (ギャラリーるーぶる愛知川・滋賀)
2014 第60回滋賀県美術協会 記念展 (滋賀県立近代美術館・滋賀)


1984 Born in Shiga, Japan
2008 Graduated from Kyoto university of Art &Design, Majored in Oil Painting
2010 Completed Post graduate Course in oil painting at Kyoto university of Art & Design,

Solo Exhibitions
2011 Select of new artist LESPOIR’2011
“Maiko Yamamoto”,Ginza Surugadai Garow, Tokyo
2011-2013 “Follow a small light”, “One of the story” “The song of forest” ,
gallery morning, Kyoto

Selected Group Exhibitions & Awards
2007 Shiga prefecture Art Exhibition, Received the special award of JIJITSUSHINSYA,
Shiga prefectural Museum of Art(08 the Award of Shiga Art Association,11 the
special award of Superintendent of schools)
2010 “MICHIMICHIRU ”, gallery RAKU, gallery16,Kyoto
2011 ORA vol.3-”Just painting”, court gallery KUNITACHI, Tokyo
2012 Mayu Sanagi × Maiko Yamamoto gallery16, Kyoto
2013 Gallery select exhibition ”MOENOKAI”, Ginza Surugadai Garrow, Tokyo
Exhibition of Shiga Art association, Otsu city History Museum, Shiga
2014 Exhibition of Shiga Art association, Shiga prefectural Museum of Art, Shiga