ギャラリー モーニング 現代アートをリビング空間へ。アートのセレクトショップ 
Exhibition sales of Contemporary ART

updated 2023-05-09
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上坂秀明展 KOSAKA Hideaki 11月3日(火) - 8日(日) 日本画





ちり、あくたのように、1つでも多く誰かの生きる上でのヒントがあれば、と思います。 上坂秀明


“Mountain of the dusts”
Hideaki Kosaka

“Pile of dusts makes a mountain”
This is a famous proverb in Japan; that can be said as “Every little makes a mickle”.

I imagine these words compromise a story of, “Somethings are born even from the dusts. The new things are pulled into shape by the encounter of few things, which was born in chaos and came through multicolored dramas”.
The story appears to be describing about Japanese-style painting; as only to pile fine granulous continuously gets to somewhere.

Even if it is difficult to understand inside and outside world of myself in one stroke, I make pebble size thinking model from extremely small experiences. I collect the sea of those pebbles to understand the whole image little by little to make my paintings.

This time, my theme was to express the dramas of “How humans has faced the nature, and how they have lived”; like people living in the world after the tsunami caused by the earthquake in 2011 and people who lives in the mountain from the ancient days.

The nature is complex, therefore hard and beautiful.
I believe there is a meaning bringing myself to face the complexity and making paintings precisely because it is not easy.

Like a tiny dust, I wish there is a small scent for everyone who is living.


CHIRIYAMA Drawing (gallerymorningkyoto ROOM2)

上坂 秀明 KOSAKA Hideaki

1988 大阪府吹田市生まれ
2010 京都市立芸術大学 美術学部 日本画専攻 卒業
2011 Sydney College of Arts [MSA] 交換留学
2012 京都市立芸術大学 大学院 美術研究科 絵画専攻 日本画領域 卒業  
2013 ギャラリーアクセス勤務

2015 「塵山」ギャラリーモーニング

2007 「WHERE TO START 展」ギャラリー倉
   「渦 展」大学会館
2008 「SQWAT 展」小学校体育館
2009 「日本画4回生展」学内大ギャラリー
2010 「CLASS」大丸心斎橋店 特選ギャラリー
2012 「AA展」みやこメッセ  
2012-2013 「日本画の色」ギャラリー恵風/数寄和
2013 「第二回景聴園」みやこメッセ
2014 「面白い技術」清閑亭
2015 「第三回景聴園」 旧木下邸

gallery morning kyoto
159th. New Face Exhibition